Our Family

For generations the Zittrauerhof is a family owned farm. With lots of love and effort  Matthew and Hias take care after the animals. Matthew is enthusiastic in rearing Holstein cows and a farmer with body and soul. During summer Hias stays on the mountain pasture, where he is milking the cows and where he is also looking after the calves and horses. The fresh milk is brought down to the valley by him every day.

Familie Schwaiger

The delicious schnaps is made by grandfather Hias himself. The farmer´s wife Catherine is taking care of all the guests and is responsible for baking the farmers bread, for processing all homemade products and all the gardening. Furthermore she is doing all the laundry and is cooking for the whole family. The biggest delight are our children, who are a daily surprise and entertainment. Sad News: our Grandma Rosmarie Schwaiger suddenly passed away on November 27th, 2014. We all miss her very much.  

Willi, who worked 30 years on the farm unfortunately died on Sunday 16th August 2009 after a long and serious disease. We really miss him and therefore have dedicated a homepage to him.